Don't forget to complete and submit your scheme return by 31 March 2022.
Here is an article from the Regulator about the additional information and resources to help trustees prepare for and complete a scheme return for defined benefit (DB) schemes and those offering mixed benefits (hybrid).
The new questions for DB-only and hybrid schemes are (where relevant):
1- the website addresses where the scheme’s statement of investment principles (SIP) and implementation statement have been published;
2- the website address where the scheme's climate change report has been published;
3- the trustee assessment of the employer covenant grading (if available);
4- information about the more detailed value for members (VFM) assessment; and
5- the website address where extracts from the chair’s statement have been published
To find out more, read the article from the Regulator and don't forget the deadline to submit your scheme return is fast approaching.